Out of all the ideas I had brainstormed last week for today’s article, I chose to ditch the suggestions in my journal and take the time to reflect and be grateful for art, to say the least.

I am grateful for the art that made me who I am today

Every day, we strive to be our best. Every little event, action, happening, thought, and interaction we take part in makes us who we are. I have spent a lot of the time I was given looking at art, practicing some sort of creative or artistic activity, and reading and writing about art. Admiring the arts around me, however, always came along with me questioning my own art.

Studies have shown that when women compare themselves to others, they come up short. On the other hand, when men compare themselves to others, they generally see themselves as better. That applies to art as well.

When I admire other’s art, I can’t help but question my own. It doesn’t seem good enough. I am not consistent enough, and sometimes I don’t feel like I can actually paint or create art anymore.

But today I decided to go back to painting for the sake of it. Appreciate art and be grateful for its fulfillment and the joy that comes along with creating.

Living in gratitude

Art connects us not only with people and places but also with ideas that might be harder to engage with without a physical prompt. I am grateful that art is my way of expressing my ideas and emotions. And I am grateful that art has allowed me to engage with ideas in new ways.

I am grateful for the space that art creates to explore present issues and how I can use it as a tool to think through the past.

While typing my article, creativity is born in liminal spaces, I learned things about myself that I wouldn’t have learned without engaging in the brainstorming process, the writing, and the editing of the article. No matter the medium used, putting in the time to think, create, and repeat has proven itself worthy, enlightening, and life-changing for the career and the existence of humans and how they relate to creativity.

Choosing to live in gratitude and appreciating things we don’t usually put that much thought into or pay as much attention to is constructive for a creative mind to keep going.


This was a quick reminder to admire other’s art without questioning your own and to be grateful for the art in our lives. Enjoy creating stress-free.