Art for kids is a form of play. And playing is the only healthy and constructive medium to access and program a happy child’s mind.

If there’s one thing I could thank my parents for as a child, it would be the exposure to different forms of art and creative practices. My dad may have never taken his drawing skills seriously, but growing up, I did. He was very creative and had the ability to create things out of everyday items. And that was my dream as a child, to say the least.

A few days ago, while coloring with my nephew, he told me that it’s fascinating to him how creative I am, and I felt as though I won in life.

Growing up in a creative environment can be a transformative and enriching experience that has a lasting impact on an individual’s life, from personal development to enhanced cognitive abilities. Here are some key aspects of the magical journey that art for kids has to offer: All the art activities for kids suggested in this article can be found at the Discount School Supply website.

Self-expression is an absolute necessity

Painting, writing, music, or any other form of creative practice provides a means for kids and young adults to express themselves. It has the ability to allow them to explore their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a non-judgmental way, fostering self-awareness and confidence.

Although kids may not actually see the benefit of self-expression, they eventually grow up to be different and develop an open mindset that allows them to perceive the world differently.

I love guiding kids to engage in art activities made just for them. Because freedom with no boundaries always leads to chaos. And over on Discount School Supply, you can find a great selection of interactive and creative arts and crafts made just for your kids.

This activity is one of my favorites. It is a great way to give kids the freedom to draw faces from their imagination (which is a challenging activity even for adults) while having the templates come in different skin tones and an idea guide included.

Art for kids develops their problem-solving skills

All creative practices will unfold challenges that will push your child to come up with creative and innovative solutions to keep going. This fosters a mindset of experimentation and adaptability, which can be applied to various aspects of life, including academics and career pursuits.

For that, make sure your kid’s art practices are engaging and challenging enough for them to develop their problem-solving skills. However, it should not be too complicated, leaving them feeling drained or pushing them to give up too soon.

Growing up with a creative practice gives kids emotional intelligence

Engaging in creative activities helps individuals better understand and manage their emotions. It encourages empathy and emotional expression, making them more attuned to the feelings of others.

This “feelings and emotions” kit is great as it comes with both English and Spanish words describing eight different emotions.

Art teaches kids to manage their stress

Creative practices can serve as excellent stress relievers. They offer a mindful and meditative experience, allowing individuals to escape from the pressures of daily life and unwind.

Improved Communication

Creativity helps individuals develop better communication skills. Whether through visual art, writing, or performance, they learn how to convey ideas and feelings effectively, which is a valuable skill in personal and professional relationships.

Persistence and Resilience

Creative endeavors often involve setbacks and failures. Growing up with a creative practice teaches children the importance of perseverance and resilience. They learn that failure is a natural part of the creative process and can be a stepping stone to success.

Critical Thinking

Creativity requires individuals to think critically and analyze their work. They learn to evaluate their creations, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions, which can transfer to other aspects of life. Please pay attention to the warnings with each set, activity, or toy, as some of them contain smaller pieces that might be dangerous for toddlers or babies.

Community and Collaboration

Engaging in creative practices can lead to a sense of belonging within a community of like-minded individuals. Collaborative projects teach teamwork and the value of diverse perspectives.

Personal Growth

Creative pursuits encourage self-discovery and personal growth. As individuals experiment with different forms of expression and explore their creativity, they often uncover new talents and interests.

Lifelong Learning

Growing up with a creative practice fosters a love for learning and exploration. It encourages individuals to continue seeking out new experiences and expanding their horizons throughout their lives.

Career Opportunities

Creative skills are increasingly in demand in various professional fields, from design and marketing to technology and entertainment. Having a creative practice from a young age can open up diverse career opportunities.

Joy and Fulfillment

Everyone is built differently. And we can all find joy and fulfillment in different aspects of life. However, ultimately, the magic of growing up with a creative practice lies in the joy and fulfillment it brings. Creating something unique and meaningful provides a sense of accomplishment and happiness that can last a lifetime.


I highly recommend that, as a parent, a sibling, a teacher, or whoever is reading this article, we all contribute to exposing the kids around us to different forms of creative practices and crafts. It matters so much that we all take part in the creation of a happy generation with brighter minds.

Enjoy creating<3