A few months ago, I posted one of my most-read blog posts about pencil drawing: Pencil drawing for beginners: All you need to know. I have since then received many questions about pencil drawing on my Pinterest and blog messages, so I decided to dedicate a blog post to answer your commonly asked questions about pencil drawing.
1- How do I seal a pencil drawing?
The traditional answer to this is using a charcoal fixative spray. However, if you are not willing to go out there and get a fixative spray, you can simply use a hair spray. I learned this art hack from TikTok and it is the real deal y’all. Spraying some hair spray on your pencil, charcoal and pastel drawings locks it in place and prevents it from smearing all over and getting to your hands and making everything else dirty. It works just like a fixative spray!
P.S.: Keep in mind that it might turn yellow over time, so only use this for trials and personal sketchbooks.

2- What is the best mechanical pencil for drawing?
I posted this pin on Pinterest a while ago and the comments were crazy asking me about the mechanical pencil used and since I can’t share direct links on Pinterest, here it is.
3- How do I start learning pencil drawing?
While I have many free articles on my blog that would help guide you as a beginner to start in pencil drawing, I decided to write this straight-to-point e-book that has more details and insights that I personally would’ve loved to know when I first started drawing. I also make sure I am constantly practicing drawing and sharpening my drawing skills because as you may already know, painting also requires initial sketching that provides a clearer roadmap for the painting to happen.
You can also check out these articles: Beginner’s Guide to Drawing Realistic Human Figures
4- I have to look at something before I can draw it. Can you help me draw from my imagination?
Say no more! When I was young, I was just like you. I couldn’t figure out how people drew from their imagination until I discovered the concept of muscle memory. I promise you, if there was one article in my blog that is genuinely life-changing to a beginner, it would be this one. Make sure to check it out.
Drawing is really not as tricky as you think it is. However, it requires devotion and practice alongside a passion for art. Leave me your questions in the comments, and I will make sure to answer yours in the upcoming post. Enjoy creating <3