For this article, I am listing some of my new year’s art resolutions that I am comfortable sharing online in the hopes that they inspire you to set your new year’s art resolutions for 2023.
In life, you either love and are excited about new year’s resolutions, or you hate them! I know many of us find resolutions to be cheesy and not really effective. However, speaking from a very personal perspective, I love to set new goals and challenges for myself because I know that even if I fail, I would be failing above average and that fuels me with much energy to keep going.
I want you to make this year the best one in terms of art and creativity. So, let’s get started!
1- Freeing from my medium
I have been painting since 2017, I painted different landscapes and portraits and eventually found an art style that speaks to my inclinations and what I love as an artist. Last year, I included air dry clay into my creative routine, and I loved it so much, it really helped me go beyond my medium and learn new techniques. This year, I am willing to try two new mediums that I am curious about : cross-stitching and mosaic bead art. Can’t wait to share with you how it goes.

2- Starting an adventurous project
For a couple of months, I have been genuinely thinking about starting a podcast. I want something that is art related, yet, not only about art, I would love something that is fun and open-hearted just like Anything goes by Emma Chamberlain.
I wasn’t procrastinating on this idea, but I keep finding excuses for myself not to do it because I obviously feel like it will pretty much be cringe but I shall not listen to my limiting beliefs this year.
3- Treat my creative pursuit like a job
This is an art resolution I’m bringing with me from 2022. I tried hard to schedule time for my art practice in 2022, I blocked time for it and forced myself to show up but it still slipped through my fingers. I was commuting and going back and forth between two cities for my studies and incubation, and I also have an office job to keep up with, so I barely had time to write articles for the blog, workout, study and sustain my almost gone social presence. This year, with fewer tasks in hand, I will be able to make it happen.
4- Setting up my art studio
Again, I have been on this since 2022, but I am not quite there yet. The point of this resolution is to create a place that allows me to focus on art which will help resolution 3 come to life. The same goes for you, even if all you have is a little corner of your room, you can turn that into an art studio following my tips in this article.
5- Organise more workshops
Although I am not sure yet how often I should be doing that, I am willing to host more workshops, share my insights with other art amateurs, and exchange and learn from them back. I would also love to do something with kids because I know that will be a very fruitful experience for me.
6- Go back to exhibitions
I have taken a large break from exhibitions in the previous two years. In the longest run, I was no longer feeling a deeper connection to the artworks that I have to exhibit. However, with the new pieces I created, I am feeling that urge again to put my artwork out there for people to see and critique so I can develop and progress the new style even more.
7- Drawing in nature
This is something I did in the past and am willing to do again this year. It is very challenging for me to draw/paint in nature because I am a bit of a slow painter, and that makes the process of creating something from a moving scenery pretty tricky. I want to improve that side too.

8- Sharing my art more
Back in 2021, I did a very decent job at creating and documenting my artistic process. In 2022, I developed a hate relationship with social media and took a much-needed break, the only platform I was frequently posting to was Pinterest, and I would love to take that further to other platforms where I used to be active.
9- Drafting an art-related book
This might not be doable for everyone, but I have been blogging for over a year, and apparently, I still have things to say about art and both the mental and physical aspects of mark-making and creativity as a means of self-discovery. So, one of my biggest goals or art resolutions for this new year will be to make the first draft of a book that will satisfy my own elusive definition of creative perfection.
10- Getting out of my comfort zone
Last but not least, this is something I am very excited about. I love fashion, I find it very expressive and reflective of our personalities. One of the main things I would love to try out of my comfort zone is to try something fashion related. It’s out of my comfort zone because I know nothing about the technical side of the fashion industry, yet, thinking about it sparks joy in me and I can’t wait to see what the world is gonna provide me with.

This will be it for my 2023 new year’s art resolutions, I hope you share with me some of yours in the comments section and don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for future posts and updates.
Thank you for sharing you 2023 art resolutions! I tend to talk about annual goals and intentions rather than resolutions but that’s all just semantics! We have a couple of overlaps too 🙂
Mine include
– setting up a blog and commit to publishing weekly (we all need to start somewhere and as someone chasing a professional art career, I have lots of ideas and thought I’d love to share with a wider community!)
– organise my first art class or workshop this year
– get my work physically out in front of the public more (through art festivals, galleries and alternative exhibition spaces)
– be more structured with creating my pieces (I.e. have a better routine and stick to it!)
– take time to explore and play (as someone who recently took the plunge to become a full-time, my priorities have been on producing finished works… I need to be more conscientious about taking the foot off and exploring new media, techniques etc.)
Cheers to a successful 2023 for us both!
Hey Malti! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Love your resolutions and I guess I will be stealing your resolution about being structured with creating art pieces! that’s honestly necessary to lead a year of mindful art-making. Cheers to making it all come true <3