In the past, I have shared a significant number of articles that include creative exercises such as Intuitive art exercises to connect with your inner artist, Abstract Art Exercises you will love as a beginner, 5 Art Exercises to Boost Your Creativity (even if you’re non-artistic), and 10 Useful Art Therapy Exercises to Help Improve your Mood. Today, I wanted to share a great creativity exercise that will help you connect with yourself and reflect on your little life. So if you’re willing to learn how to create a symbolic self-portrait, keep reading.

What are the benefits of creating a symbolic self-portrait, and why would you want to do it?

Creating a symbolic self-portrait offers a transformative journey of self-exploration and expression, serving as both a therapeutic outlet and a creative activity. By relying on symbols and imagery, you can articulate complex emotions, confront internal conflicts, and assert agency over your self-representation. Creating a symbolic self-portrait is also a great opportunity for you to gain valuable insights into your identity, values, and personal growth opportunities. Symbolic self-portraiture fosters communication, empathy, and connection, inviting viewers to interpret the artwork and engage in meaningful dialogue. Creating a self-portrait could empower individuals to embrace their creativity, and cultivate self-awareness.

How to create a symbolic self-portrait?

For this exercise, you will need to assemble a group of objects that represent you. Collect your favorite things (your team t-shirt, objects related to your interests or hobbies, maybe a painting of your own, a gift that is meaningful to you, a favorite book, etc.). It will be interesting to include a range of object sizes and shapes, textures, light, dark, or even reflective objects.

Use your objects to set up a still life with a spotlight. You will then photograph your objects in different compositions, with an emphasis on light and shadow. Choose the one that feels the most like you and that would allow others to have a glimpse into your world. Recreate the photograph you took using any art technique you prefer (feel free to go as realistic or as abstract as you wish).

Little tips to make your symbolic self-portrait more interesting and fun

My first tip would be that when you take a picture of your composition, try cropping it. Have objects go off all four sides of your artwork. This will make your photograph look more surrealist and interesting, something like a Dali painting, if you will.

Making a symbolic self-portrait can be a blast! Try using symbols that really mean something to you, but don’t be scared to get creative and think outside the box. Mix up colors and textures to make it pop. You can even tell a cool story with your artwork, or hide little secrets for people (or your future self) to find. Don’t worry about making it perfect—imperfections can make it even more interesting! Get inspiration from other artists or things you love, and most importantly, have fun with it! Let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you.

Enjoy creating <3