Ever wondered how you can use a vision board to manifest your goals? I have wanted to write something about vision boards since I typed my first-ever article about moodboards. Boards are something I love; I enjoy making them, and I love it even more when the elements included turn into reality! I know you’re wondering what that has to do with art but hear me out… This blog is called “The Art and Beyond,” and this article belongs to that beyond part of it. So, don’t judge my choices.
For this article, I will cover:
- What is a vision board?
- How do I use a vision board to manifest goals?
- The science behind vision boards
- What should you put on your vision board to manifest your goals?
What is a vision board?
A vision board is a tool for daily visualization. It’s made to be there for us to look at and remind us of our goals and desires. It allows us to see what’s already around us and what we want to attract.

How to use a Vision Board to manifest your goals?
I have had many elements from my vision boards turn into reality. And that works like the following: when you put something in your vision board, you’re looking at it every day, and you’re constantly consciously and unconsciously building neural pathways in your brain that are going to enable you to actually recognize opportunities that will lead you to your goals and help you make the most out of them.
The science behind vision boards to manifest goals
You probably don’t even wanna hear the scientific explanation behind vision boards, but let me give you an illustrative example that will help you understand how things work:
Our subconscious mind has a wonderful system called the particular activating system. Although we come across a ton of data daily, our conscious mind really only engages with 50 bits of data. However, the particular activating system in our subconscious mind is filtering that data and making decisions about what we do that we don’t even realize.
Illustrative example
I, for example, decided that I’m ready to expand my career and get a job that includes travel and creativity. So I put that on my vision board, and I look at it every day. Now I am at a party, and there are many conversations going on in the room. And it happens that someone on the other side of the room told their friend that they’re looking for someone really creative and enthusiastic to fill a position in their new emerging company. Consciously, I’m not aware of this. However, my Particular activating system in my subconscious mind has picked up on it, connected it to that deep subconscious desire that I set for myself, and before I know it, I find myself gravitating toward that person, starting a conversation, and here they’re suggesting that role to me and me recognizing this opportunity and getting the job I put on my vision board.
What to put on your vision board to manifest your goals?
I will give you general tips on how to dig deeper into your core desires and really choose things that matter to you. But as this blog is about art and creativity, I will specifically be pointing out creativity and art-related goals or resolutions that I have for this aspect of my life which you can use for inspiration. Use my 2023 New Year’s Art Resolutions to make yours
Something I really want you to pay attention to when you are choosing your goals is to avoid magnifying your limiting beliefs in your vision board. Here’s how it may happen:
- Deep down, someone believes that they’re not good enough and that their entourage is never going to accept them or like them for who they are. So, they put into their vision board expensive cars, penthouses, and other material things that will fill that void and get people to love them for what they have and not for who they are. What happens here is that they put these things in their vision boards and remind themselves, the universe, and the law of attraction that they have these limiting beliefs.
For you to pick the right elements for your vision boards, you have to pick things that you genuinely love and are passionate about and want to achieve in life, not to fill a void, impress others or fix the things you hate about yourself.
Let’s do the activities together
Enjoy creating <3
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