Last night while showering, I was listening to a podcast episode of anything goes by Emma Chamberlain where she was sharing her unpopular opinions and I thought that it would be fun to make an artist edition of unpopular opinions about art.
Remember that these are my opinions that I thin few people may be sharing. So if you happen to agree with me or share the same opinion, it still does not make it a popular opinion.
Unpopular opinions about art
1- I do not mind waiting because I always have something to do
Hear me out, if we are meeting up or going somewhere or if someone is picking me up, I do not mind waiting at all. I can wait up to 40min and not get annoyed because I happen to always have something to do. I can work more on an art project while waiting, I could scroll on Pinterest for ideas or to pin and promote my own blog posts, I can write ideas, or I may use that waiting time to go on my blog from my phone and edit a post I am working on. My choices are endless. And thanks to the patience I developed for art practice, waiting does not make me mad or offended. But also, I am kinda often late so maybe that is the main reason.
2- I almost never want to practice an art form outside of an actual project
Hard to believe, I know. Because I always recommend that you casually practice sketching, drawing or painting before you commit to a more serious project. However, I physically can not bring myself to do it. I will only genuinely put in effort and give my all if what I am working on is an actual project. If it is just a practice, I do not take it seriously for some reason. Which is probably a terrible thing but it is an unpopular opinion for a reason.
3- Selling art should not be the end goal of art making
Of course you want to make a living out of your art. And of course you do not want dozens of paintings laying around with no one interested in acquiring them. But, I truly believe that when we make art solely for it to be marketed and sold, we tend to overlook the essence of art making which is primarily personal expression. Not all art need to be sold and not all art need to be marketable.
4- Art does not need to always be deep and meaningful
To me, art should be beautiful. It can be deep if that is what the artist is willing to express but it does not have to. In the past, art was created for its beauty and aesthetic value and that was the time where we have seen some of the best, most expressive and most valuable works of art. Art doesn’t always need to have a profound message or critique of society. Sometimes, it’s okay for art to be beautiful for beauty’s sake.

5- Some abstract and modern artworks lack skill
I am by no means judging what other artists are creating. But whenever I look at some abstract or modern artworks, all I can see is lack of effort or lack of skill. I know that many contemporary artists and critics highlight that modern art prioritizes concept over technique. However, when I see art that looks like it could be done by a child (not shading the creativity of children) being praised, or an artist who is fully relying on the interpretation of the viewers to give sense to their work, I can not help but think about the artists who spend years mastering technical skills, who spend years learning and practicing religiously and those who go to art school and pay money to learn more about the history of art and the different techniques.
These were some of my unpopular opinions: artist edition. Share yours with me in the comments section and enjoy creating <3