I am coming back with more journal ideas for inspiration that I have recently created to help you make your journaling sessions more fun and personal. I know that a lot of my readers love it when I blog about journaling; it is no wonder my article Art Journaling: Tips to Fun and Therapeutic Sessions is one of the most popular articles on my blog. Therefore, here is a new one for you.
This journal ideas for inspiration list includes:
- What’s in my head?
- Lyrics I’m currently loving
- Things I currently love or am obsessed with
- New recipes I learned
- My current comfort movies/shows
- My dream house
- My wishlist
- What did I eat today?
What’s in my head?
This is an easy prompt to start with. All it takes is an open mind to write down whatever thoughts are going through your head. These prompts help me declutter my mind and clear out the brain fog I get from overthinking or having a long to-do list.

Lyrics I’m currently loving
This is a journal idea that is so much fun and that you can use for inspiration and adapt to other things if songs are not your thing or you don’t enjoy listening to music. You can create a journal page using quotes you like or find inspiring from books, films, TV shows, etc.

Things I currently love or am obsessed with
This journal prompt is really nice and inspiring because we often focus on the big things that we love and tend to ignore the little things that we love or that give us happiness. So let this journal prompt be your reminder to be grateful for the little things that make you feel prettier, foods you’re currently loving, moments you cherish and bring you bliss, etc.
New recipes I learned
This is your chance to save the recipes you recently learned or any recipes that you love. You can add little illustrations to the recipe pages, or you can add pictures and collages from your cooking session.
My current comfort movies and shows
This is another journal idea for inspiration that I love adding to my journal. When I look back at some shows or movies from when I was younger, it often reminds me of the little girl I was and the stuff I loved. It is a great way for creative people to keep track of the evolution of their crafts and hobbies, so I highly recommend you do it too.
My dream house
Am I the only one obsessed with having a home and doing all the decor and design themselves? Maybe. But I also am sure I won’t be the only one enjoying journaling about it. There’s something so therapeutic and cozy about journaling your dream house.
My wishlist
Do you have a summer wishlist with all the things you want to buy or have or do? maybe even places you want to visit and activities you want to do with your friends. Turn that into a journal page and see how motivating and inspiring it is. Last year, the first item on my wishlist was a trip to Rome, and after journaling it, I instantly booked that flight.
What did I eat today?
I know many people have a complicated relationship with food or have dealt with an eating disorder at some point in their lives. I like these journaling pages because they remind me that no matter how my body looks, food is a cultural experience for me and something that I fully enjoy.
These were some journal ideas for inspiration straight from my journal. Make sure you recreate the ones you like the most and share with me your creative journals. Enjoy creating <3